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Filming and Photographing on Campus

flying drone in front of dunn center

Austin Peay State University is an open campus with many beautiful settings, and we welcome everyone to photograph those settings. However, to minimize disruption to campus, we ask that you keep in mind there are some restrictions to photography on our beautiful campus, as well as courtesies we ask that you follow to help minimize disruption to campus.

If you are with the media or photographing for commercial or other professional photography, film and video purposes, we do request that you contact the Public Relations and Marketing office prior to photographing on campus.

Medical, counseling, residential, financial-aid, business, information technology and athletic training and conditioning areas prohibit photography without prior arrangement with Public Relations and Marketing and the department being photographed.

You are welcome to photograph people who have given you permission to photograph them on our campus. However, to protect the privacy of our students and employees, we ask that any photographs where students, faculty, staff, administrators and board members are present, be arranged through the Public Relations and Marketing office prior to taking the photographs, unless the individuals who can be reasonably identified in the photograph have given the photographer permission for being photographed. Events open to the public not requiring tickets or reservations do not require arrangements with PR and Marketing unless noted prior to or at the event.

Please be courteous to our grounds crew and wildlife by leaving campus how you found it. Before you leave, please clean up and dispose of any debris such as glitter or confetti.

Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) flights on campus

The use of UAS (also commonly referred to as drones) on campus has specific policy requirements. For more information on the policy, please visit the policy website. Additionally, below are procedures for flying drones on campus.

Procedures for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) flights on campus

  1. Anyone wishing to fly an unmanned aerial system (UAS — also commonly referenced as ‘Drones) shall apply for approval to the Public Relations and Marketing office for any drone activity at least 14 calendar days prior to the first drone flight. The Public Relations and Marketing office will keep a registry of approved UAS operators. Previously approved operators must also apply for approval 7 calendar days prior to each planned flight unless otherwise approved by the Public Relations and Marketing office.
  2. At a minimum, the approved UAS Operator(s) shall identify themselves by wearing an Approved Drone Operator fluorescent vest, informing students, employees and/or other campus visitors of a UAS in the area and the presence of an approved UAS Operator(s). Once a UAS application is approved, the UAS Operator(s) is responsible for obtaining their own fluorescent vest. The approved UAS Operator must wear the official Approved Drone Operator fluorescent vest at all times during the operation of the UAS. The approved UAS Operator must also maintain a physical copy of the approved UAS application and flight pattern on their physical person during the operation of the UAS.
  3. All operation and use of drones must comply with FAA regulations, state and federal laws, and university policies at all times; including all FAA registration requirements before drone operation takes place.
  4. Austin Peay State University assumes no liability for any damage to property or for personal injuries caused by a drone or drone operator(s); including the breach of any term or policy.
  5. All operation and use of drones must specifically comply with the following:
  6. Operators shall not fly a drone over groups of people.
  7. Operators shall not allow the drone to go beyond the visual line-of-sight.
  8. Operators shall not interfere with manned aircraft operations and must give the right-of-way to all manned aircraft.
  9. Operators shall not fly a drone above 400 feet.
  10. Operators shall not fly a drone near emergency response efforts, such as fires or vehicle collisions.
  11. Operators shall not fly a drone in a careless or reckless manner.
  12. Operators shall not fly a drone while impaired.
  13. Operators shall not fly a drone near or in an open stadium with a seating capacity of more than 30,000 people, within one hour before or after a scheduled event, within a three (3) nautical mile radius while a NCAA Division-I football game is occurring, or any public event is occurring in Fortera Stadium. (Note: Operation and use of drone or Model Aircraft over Fortera Stadium is strictly prohibited. Extraordinary circumstances may result in an exception with the pre-approval of the Executive Director of Public Relations and Marketing and the Assistant Vice President of Public Safety, subject to, and in accordance with all FAA requirements.)
  14. Operators must contact local airport(s)/control tower(s) before flying within five (5) miles of any airport. This area includes the entire Austin Peay State University campus due to the area surrounding Fort Campbell being considered a Special Use air space.
  15. Operators shall not fly a drone that exceeds a weight of 55 pounds.
  16. Operators shall not use a drone to photograph or video record for compensation or sale to another individual (or entity).
  17. Operators are further advised that other state and local laws may apply depending on the location of the drone use. In all cases the proposed flight shall not photograph, video or monitor in any way areas where members of the university community or members of the general public would have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
  18. Third party, or hired contractors providing drone services on behalf of the university, in addition to all items listed above, the vendor/operator must:
  19. Possess proof of Part 107 compliance with applicable Certificate of Waiver (CoW) or proper FAA Exemption before any operations take place.
  20. Comply with all FAA regulations, state and federal laws, and existing university policies.
  21. Be under contract that holds the university harmless and indemnifies from any claims resulting from harm to individuals or damage to property, university-related or otherwise.
  22. The contract must be executed under the appropriate procurement and contracting guidelines of the university.
  23. Vendor shall be required to maintain at a minimum liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) that extends to the use of drone.
  24. Other University-Related Operations:
  25. Any individual purchasing a drone with funding obtained through the University, University Foundation or a grant account must report the purchase and intended use to the Public Relations and Marketing office and Public Safety office, and contact referenced above in order to activate appropriate insurance coverage. Any individual who has in the past purchased a drone and intends to use that drone must register the existing drone with the Public Relations and Marketing office and Public Safety office.
  26. Any individual wishing to operate a drone for university business or program-related purposes must satisfy all sections of this policy as well as applicable Part107 requirements, including registration of aircraft with the FAA and any necessary CoW, or have evidence of 333 Exemption or Certificate of Authorization (COA) issued by the FAA that is still valid. A copy of the CoW or other Exemption must be provided to Public Relations and Marketing office as part of the approval process.
  27. It is important to note that the Austin Peay State University campus is considered Class E airspace, and, as such, is subject to restricted use of UAS. Any use of drone that is not considered Hobbyist/Model Aircraft in nature must receive prior approval from the FAA in the form of a CoW for operating in restricted airspace. To apply for a CoW, an applicant may visit http://www.faa.gov/uas/.
  28. Indoor Use:

Operating a drone indoors presents a unique set of risks and challenges such as flying into indoor sprinkler systems or lighting fixtures. Therefore, operation of a drone or Model Aircraft indoors is strictly prohibited. Extraordinary circumstances may result in an exception with the pre-approval of the Public Relations and Marketing office and Public Safety office, subject to, and in accordance with, facility use protocols.


333 Exemption

FAA exemption based on Section 333 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of2012 (FMRA) which grants the Secretary of Transportation the authority to determine whether an airworthiness certificate is required for UAS to operate safely in the National Airspace System.


A Certificate of Authorization or Waiver granted to an individual or entity by the FAA for a specific aircraft, for a specific activity, for a specific location. According to the FAA, the COA is an authorization issued by the Air Traffic Organization to a public operator for a specific unmanned aircraft activity. After a complete application is submitted, the FAA conducts a comprehensive operational and technical review. If necessary, provisions or limitations may be imposed as part of the approval to ensure the unmanned aircraft can operate safely with other airspace users. In most cases, FAA will provide a formal response within 60 days from the time a completed application is submitted.


A Certificate of Waiver is an authorization issued by the FAA for UAS operations that do not meet the provisions of Part 107 in its entirety.


An Unmanned Aircraft and its associated elements (including communication links and the components that control the unmanned aircraft) that are required for the operator to safely and efficiently fly in the national airspace system weighing less than 55 pounds.


Federal Aviation Administration

Hobbyist/Model Aircraft

Model aircraft are not for business purposes, only for hobby and recreation. Model aircraft must be kept within visual sightline of the operator, and should weigh under 55 pounds.


Pilot or individual who is controlling, maneuvering, or commanding a drone.

Part 107

Unmanned Aircraft regulations currently in place by the FAA for UAS under 55 lbs.


Any drone used for university-related operations must be registered with the FAA on behalf of Austin Peay State University and the registering department, unit, or organization must retain evidence of registration.

Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

An Unmanned Aircraft and its associated elements (including communication links and the components that control the unmanned aircraft) that are required for the operator to safely and efficiently fly in the national airspace system weighing less than 55 pounds.

University Facilities

As used in these regulations, the term "University Facility" or "University Facilities" means any building or structure or any improved or unimproved land, or any part of any such building, structure, or land, which is owned, used, controlled or occupied by Austin Peay State University.

University-Related Operations

The use of UAS for any purpose associated with university business, other than third party and hired or contracted UAS services on behalf of the university. University-related operations automatically fall outside of the hobbyist/model aircraft designation and, therefore, must be compliant with applicable FAA policies and regulations.

Unmanned Aircraft

An aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

Any remotely operated or controlled unmanned aircraft intended to fly within the National Aerospace System. Includes devices commonly referred to as drones (including communications support and navigational equipment). FAA regulations apply to all types of UAS regardless of weight or size.



FAA UAS registration: http://www.faa.gov/uas/

To apply for a COA, CoW, or 333 Exemption: http://www.faa.gov/uas/

For more information on Educational Use of UAS: http://www.faa.gov/uas/educational_users/

For additional information regarding University  process regarding drone use on-campus:
