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Morgan University Center Policy and Guidelines

Welcome to the Morgan University Center! The staff and students of the Morgan University Center are pleased you have chosen us to assist with your events. Our mission is to provide facilities, services, and programs that bring together all members of the Austin Peay State University community to encourage personal growth and community development.

It is our goal to make every event the best it can be. To that end, we have assembled a talented team of program planners, advisers, technicians, and assistants. We will work closely with you to develop plans for any event from a simple group meeting to a community festival.

This publication is designed to provide all the information you should need to start planning your event. Once you begin, do not hesitate to seek our assistance. We are working to make your experience with us uncommonly good!


Andy Kean

University Facilities Office
Morgan University Center, Room 207
P.O. Box 4516
Clarksville, TN 37044
Fax: 931-221-7980


To make a reservation go to the EMS sign in page by clicking HERE, or go to the Austin Peay State University homepage, go to the A-Z index by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the upper right hand corner of the page, then click on "Room Reservations" under the letter "R" to open the EMS sign in page.


All users must have a valid e-mail address to request facility usage. Before you log-in, you must create an account by entering your valid e-mail address and password. You are automatically logged into the Reservation System once you create an account.


*Please remember your password!


(After your account is created, you may log in at any time and make reservations and check the status of your request.)


After you are logged in, you will be directed to a page where you can browse events, find available space, make a request or view a request status. Please fill in as much detail as possible to help the University Facilities office quickly process your request. After your request is submitted, the University Facilities office will review it and contact you via e-mail to advise you of your request status.

 Morgan University Center

  • The Morgan University Center (MUC) has been funded by student fees and designed to support the programs, events, meetings, and conferences of the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of Austin Peay State University. Students receive priority in the reservation process since the facility is designed primarily to support student activities.

A completed Reservation Request, submitted via the Internet, is required to start the reservation process. The University Facilities office will create a reservation and provide the sponsor with an e-mailed confirmation of space. This confirmation serves as part of the contract for any and all facilities, equipment, and labor required for the event. Sponsors are encouraged to read the reservation confirmation carefully to ensure that all information is correct and all services needed are listed. All costs on the confirmation form are based on the information provided. If an event requires changes to rooms, equipment, or labor, the final charges will be adjusted accordingly.


The Reservations Office requests a minimum of 10 business days to complete the reservation process.Requests for reservations that are made less than three (3) business days in advance MAY be granted if time and space allow.


MUC staff reserves the right to deny space usage for a group or event if it is physically or operationally impossible to accommodate or if the group or event is in conflict with University policies or regulations.


MUC staff will assign each reservation to the most appropriate space(s) available. Requests for specific rooms or space will be honored when possible.


Events, A reservation request that meets the following criteria: Meal function, personnel required, (technical assistance, security, custodial), multiple bookings/facilities use, conference, special set up) may require a meeting with a member of the MUC staff to review planning and arrangements. Space reservations will not be confirmed until program plans have been reviewed and all necessary arrangements completed.


The University Facilities Office should be notified of space cancellations 72 hours prior to the scheduled event time. Three “no shows” without notification can result in denial of space requests and/or cancellation of space already reserved for the remainder of the semester.


Users who misrepresent an event or affiliation in order to avoid fees and charges will be charged appropriately and may incur additional charges and/or have reservation privileges suspended. The director or designee makes these determinations.


Sponsors responsible for damages to the facilities or equipment or for inadequate clean-up will be charged for repair, replacement, or cleaning. Requests for exceptions to these procedures should be forward to the Director of University Facilities.

Events with special audio/visual and/or lighting needs including bands, DJs, and live performers require a meeting with the MUC Staff.


Any music or amplified sound must be approved prior to the event to ensure other events in adjacent areas are not disturbed. A maximum decibel level will be set prior to the event.


The piano may be used by special permission only.

During Fall Semester and Spring Semester, when classes are in session the building is open during the following time periods:


Monday 7 am - 10 pm

Tuesday 7 am - 10 pm

Wednesday 7 am - 10 pm

Thursday 7 am - 10 pm

Friday 7 am - 7 pm

Saturday 9 am - 7 pm

Sunday 10 pm - 10 pm


Not all offices and services are open during the hours listed above. Please check the specific operating hours for an office or service you may be planning to use.


Other times


During the summer, the winter holidays between semesters, and Spring Break, building hours are reduced. Please check the current operating schedule if your event is planned during one of these times.

No materials or signs of any kind may be affixed to walls, ceilings, equipment, or other areas of the facility without written approval from an authorized MUC staff person. 


Open Flames: Open fires, cooking fires, campfires, bonfires, candles or any apparatus, device or machine utilizing an open flame is prohibited. The only exception is use during religious ceremonies such as the observance of Chanukah, or floating candles in the middle of a table.


Hay, straw, cord fodder, bamboo, pine straw, dried flowers, sand or other dried natural materials cannot be used inside the residence halls or other venues.


All decorations must be noncombustible, inherently flame resistant or treated with an approved fire retardant in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.


Electrical: All electrical equipment to include lights, wires, plugs, cords, connections and sockets must be UL approved. The use of improvised wiring is strictly prohibited.

  • All combustibles shall be kept at least 6 inches from any incandescent/fluorescent bulbs, electrical sockets, plugs, or other electrical appliance.
  • Holiday lights shall not be left energized more than 3-4 hours daily to reduce overheating.
  • Each living group or office area should have an appointed representative to insure that the electrical decorations are de-energized at the end of the 4 hour period.

Animals: Animals, regardless of size or species are strictly prohibited to attend or participate in any event, party or meeting.


Water: Water, waterfalls, pools, spraying water, running water or utilizing water in any way is strictly prohibited.


See also "Posting and Promotional Material Guidelines" below. 

Because of the limited space available for the distribution of informational materials in the Morgan University Center the following guidelines have been established to manage all distribution areas.


For additional University Posting guidelines please visit: http://zw8k.hhtactical.net/university-facilities/reservations/postingguidelines.php


Registered student organizations and University departments may reserve banner and information table areas without charge.


General Guidelines


No materials or signs of any kind may be affixed to walls, ceilings, equipment, pillars or other areas of the University Center without written approval from the office of University Facilities.


Approved postings must be neat in appearance and painted with water-fast colors. Postings and promotion materials must be hung or secured with appropriate sticky-putty, bulletin board tacks, string, or zip ties. Tape or any other material that can damage surfaces is not permitted anywhere in the University Center. A fee will be assessed for any cleaning/damage repair that needs to be done due to improper material use.


Informational items must clearly promote an activity and the sponsoring university organization must be on the posting or promotional material.  If the name, logo, trademark, slogan, or similar identifier of a non-university affiliated entity or product appears on printed material, it must not appear as the dominant message.  Content of posters may not be slanderous, libelous, or vulgar.  No sexist or discriminatory materials are allowed.  No one can advertise or infer the sale of or give away of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.  Informational items cannot contain a "frosty" mug, bottle or can.  


Only registered student organizations, university departments, academic units, faculty, staff, and students can post on campus in designated areas.


Open posting is available in the Post Office located on the first floor of the University Center.



Space is assigned on a first- come first- served basis. Space may be reserved for the duration of your Event.


The University Facilities office must approve banners prior to posting. Banners hung in the MUC Food Court hallway must have the space reserved and cannot hang lower than 36" from the ceiling. Banners hung from the 3rd floor railing may not hang lower than 48" from the top rail. 


The sponsoring organization is responsible for hanging and removing their banners/posters at the designated location. Wire, tape, or any other material that will damage surfaces cannot be used. String, rubber bands, and zip ties are acceptable. Banners must be removed by the end of operating hours on the last day of the reservation. Banners and posters not removed will be discarded.


Directional and Informational Signs


If your event/meeting plans to use directional or information signs, arrangements must be made with the University Facilities office. Easels and free standing display stands are available by reservation.


Sandwich Boards


The use of sandwich boards and other free standing signs in the University Center lobby and hallways are not permitted without University Facilities staff approval. Main corridors, hallways, and stairwells must be kept free and clear of any materials that will block, hinder, or slow egress during an emergency. 


Lobby and Hallway Pillars


Posting on the pillars of the University Center is not permitted without University Facilities staff approval.


Bulletin Boards


Several bulletin boards are located throughout the University Center for registered student organizations, university departments, academic units, faculty, and staff to use.


Off-campus groups and open posting is available only on the bulletin boards in the Post Office on the first floor of the University Center.


Tacks must be used to attach postings to bulletin boards. Tape is not permitted at any time.


Lobby Furniture and Food Court Tables 


Placing or affixing advertisements and postings to University Center furniture and Food Court tables is not permitted.


Glass Doors and Windows


With the exception of the Food Court area, windows may not be posted on in the University Center.


Food Court windows may be decorated with glass pens or glass paint by student organizations with written permission and a reservation. At the conclusion of the reservation windows, window frames, ledges, and surrounding area must be properly cleaned and streak-free. Failure to properly clean used areas may result in cleaning fees.  


Ballroom and meeting room windows and doors may only be decorated with permission from the University Facilities office. Tape or any other material that can damage surfaces is not permitted. Sticky-putty may be used to affix approved signage. At the conclusion of the reservation all signage and window coverings must be completely removed and surfaces properly cleaned. Failure to properly clean used areas may result in cleaning fees.


Information Tables


Any use of an information table to promote the use or purchase of a commercial product or service or for fund raising will be considered a sales or service solicitation table and must follow the procedures governing those practices.


Sponsors may reserve only one (1) table per day during regular MUC hours. Sponsors must occupy the table during all hours of the reservation period.


Information table areas include:

MUC Einstein Brothers Lobby Table 1-3

MUC Café Lobby Table 1

MUC Info Desk Lobby Table 1

MUC Plaza Table

MUC Hubbard Tables 1-10

Please do not move lobby furniture and A/V equipment. Only MUC Staff may move furniture and equipment. If you need to make changes, please contact the information desk staff.

An adult must accompany children at all times.


Proper attire, which includes, shirt and shoes, must be worn at all times.


The sponsor and guests are responsible for adhering to all applicable University regulations and state and federal laws. It is the sponsor’s responsibility to arrange for any special parking or other associated requirements for the event with the MUC Staff. During periods of high security, nametags may be required of users.

At no time will alcohol or illegal drugs be tolerated. The sponsoring group is responsible for monitoring their guests for the abuse of these substances. Tolerance of such activity on the part of the event sponsors may be cause for immediate termination of the event and may result in limitations of future privileges for the organization.


For additional information on University Alcohol and Illegal Substances policy please visit:


Policy 7:005 Alcoholic Beverage Use and Possession


Policy 3:006 Drug-Free Workplace/Campus

Austin Peay State University is a smoke-free campus. Smoking is prohibited in university buildings, grounds, and state-owned vehicles. This policy includes E-cigarettes or any product that allows users to inhale and exhale nicotine-bearing vapor.


For additional information on the smoking and clean air policy please visit:


Policy 5:002 Smoking and Clean Air 

General Sound Guidelines


In order to promote a supportive academic environment on campus the production of sound, either amplified or non-amplified, should not disrupt educational activities or other university business.


Sponsors of events will be given one warning to adjust their volume if a complaint is received. A second complaint may result in the event being shut down.


Indoor Sound Guidelines


The University Center lobby areas and hallways are a busy and inherently loud place. To reduce the cacophony of sound levels visitors/guests are asked not to use sound amplification.


As part of the reservation process the office of University Facilities may permit extraordinary sound associated with a lobby table, if it is germane to the use of their reservation.


Music should not be unreasonably heard outside of Ballrooms or meeting rooms.


Outdoor Sound Guidelines


Amplified music volumes in the University Center Plaza and other outside locations should be kept at a reasonable level to avoid disrupting nearby academic buildings. For Plaza events, the level of sound measured at the edge of the Plaza should not average more than 85 decibels.

Parking for loading or unloading is permitted for a short period of time. Please arrange with the Reservations Office.

A cleaning charge will be assessed for post-event cleaning if the facility is unusually dirty. This may include public areas near the event that have been littered by guests or participants of the event. This also applies to damages to adjacent areas, including rest rooms, incurred by guests of the event.


MUC requests that sponsors make an effort to recycle all aluminum cans, paper, and plastic in the recycling bins conveniently placed around the building.


The standard clean-up fee is $150.00, however if the event involves a performance/play, dance event/recital, an athletic practice/event, a prom, or a large party the clean-up fee will be $250.00 to be able to cover all of the custodial costs involved.

Some events may require a police presence for security purposes. Please refer to the Police Staffing Matrix.


Reservations Guidelines for Student-Organization Use/University-Sponsored Use/Non-University Sponsored Use

  • This section includes information for student organization, University sponsored and non-University Sponsored use of MUC-managed facilities. Only organizations registered and in good standing with the university are eligible to reserve space under this section. Reservations may be submitted for space in the MUC- managed facilities under the following guidelines:

365bet Police (931) 221-7786


MUC Staff members cannot act as security for events. Their presence may be required in another part of the building. Therefore, events likely to attract crowds will be required to hire 365bet police/security staff to provide security and crowd control.

The 365bet Office of Public Safety handles parking arrangements on all 365bet lots and on-street parking.

Parking Map: http://zw8k.hhtactical.net/map 

All meeting rooms in the MUC are wired for telephone services. Connections to the University’s computer network are available in all meeting rooms. Arrangements must be made through the University Facilities office. At least two weeks notice is recommended.

Incoming: Message boards can be provided by the University Facilities office.


Outgoing: For off-campus calls, courtesy phones are located conveniently throughout the MUC. Dial 9 to get an outside line.


Fax Machines, Photocopiers and Other Office Equipment


There are no public area fax machines available for use in the MUC. Copy machines are available in the MUC looby.  Printing Services, 221-7187, Library 124, can print large copy jobs.


If your event requires additional equipment, you may arrange for your own or leased machines to be installed temporarily in your meeting room. Some business equipment suppliers offer hourly and daily rates. In the case of a fax machine, a telephone connection would need to be established. See “Telephones” listed above for installation. Delivery time must be arranged with the University Facilities office.

All ballroom reservations MUST use Govs Dining Catering (Sodexo) as the 365bet contracted food and catering service provider. 365bet Catering can handle all your catering needs from banquets to refreshments to details like tablecloths, water service, and floral arrangements. 


365bet Catering contact information:

Website: http://govsdining.sodexomyway.com/catering

The sales of commercial products, non-commercial materials, and charity fundraising are permitted within areas managed by MUC in accordance with the guidelines below. All activity of this kind is referred to as “sales” in this section.


General Procedures

No product may be sold that duplicates or is similar to those sold by contracted vendors in MUC- managed facilities. The University Facilities office must approve all products, materials, or charitable organizations prior to sale. First time vendors may be required to show samples of the product(s) to be sold to the Building Activities Supervisor before a request for sales will be confirmed. Solicitation for mass-marketed products and services readily available to the University community, such as credit cards, long-distance calling card, etc., will not be permitted to ensure that sales space is available for more unique and less readily accessible products and services.


There is a rental fee of $50.00 per day payable by check or cash.


Insurance and License

Individuals or firms must carry liability insurance with a minimum coverage of $300,000 and provide the Reservations Office with a copy of a certificate of insurance coverage before the request for sales table will be confirmed.


Any business licenses required by the State of Tennessee or the City of Clarksville must be obtained and copies of those licenses provided to the Reservations and Events Office before a request for sales will be confirmed.



Sales are permitted in the following locations:

MUC Einstein Brothers Lobby Table 1-3

MUC Café Lobby Table 1

MUC Info Desk Lobby Table 1

MUC Plaza Table

MUC Hubbard Tables 1-10



The following disclaimer must be clearly displayed on all sales tables:


“Austin Peay State University assumes no liability for the quality of the goods and services sold at tables on its premises. The presence of commercial vendor on 365bet property does not constitute an endorsement of the vendor or its product by the University.”


Insurance and Licenses

Individuals or firms must carry liability insurance with a minimum coverage of $300,000 and provide the Reservations and Events Office with a copy of a certificate of insurance coverage before a request for sales will be confirmed.


Any business license required by the State of Tennessee and/or the City of Clarksville must be obtained and copies of those licenses provided to the Reservations and Events Office before a request for sales will be confirmed.



The disclaimer sign printed on one side of the reservation card must be prominently displayed at all times. Additionally, vendors must provide customers with a telephone number and/or mailing address, when requested, where they can be contacted concerning questions and/or complaints about their products.


Amplified music and/or speech are not permitted.


No solicitation away from the table location or yelling to passers-by will be permitted.


Event sponsors wishing to use the MUC and/or its equipment to show any portion of a film or video will be required to meet with the reservations and events manager. The organization representative must show a public performance license or proof of permission from the copyright owner to show the work publicly.


Failure to show a public performance license or proof of permission will result in denial of the reservation request.


Please be reminded that ownership, rental, or borrowing a film/video from a library does not necessarily constitute public performance rights.


Any attempt to deceive the University Facilities office or members of the MUC staff to avoid obtaining a public performance license will result in event cancellation and may jeopardize the sponsoring organization’s ability to reserve space.


License Information


Pre-recorded videocassettes and videodiscs that are rented or sold by stores and suppliers throughout the United States are licensed by the copyright owner for home us only.


The U.S. Copyright Act states that the copyright owner has the right “to perform the copyrighted work publicly.” U.S. Code, Title 17, Section 106. This right remains with the copyright owner and is not transferred to the purchaser or lessee of a cassette.


Since many film/video titles are protected by the U.S. Copyright Act, permission from the copyright owner or a public performance license is required before the work can be performed (shown) publicly.


To perform or display a work “publicly” means:


To perform or display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered…U.S. Code, Title 17, Section 101.


“Performances in places such as clubs, lodges, factories, summer camps and schools are public performances subject to copyright control.” H.R. Rep. No. 94-1476, 94th Congress, 2nd Session (1976) pg. 64.


Anyone that violates the U.S. Copyright Act subjects him/herself to statutory damages, forfeiture of equipment and tapes, attorney’s fees and costs of litigation. The penalties for copyright infringement also may include substantial fines and imprisonment. *


Examples of Events that Require * a Public Performance License:


Showing cartoons or a movie to children at a nursery school or holiday social, broadcasting a videocassette on a closed-circuit system and having a “movie night” in a residence hall or common area.


Commonly Asked Questions * About Film/Video Showings


“Do we need a license if we are not charging admission?”


Yes, the copyright laws apply whether or not admission is charged.


“What about tapes I own?”


The purchase or rental of a video tape from a local video store or rental outlet is for home use only and does not carry with it the right to show the work in a public or semi-public place. Also, ownership of a videocassette that contains an unlawfully copied movie is a violation of copyright laws.


“Isn’t my residence hall my home?”


An individual’s room where he/she sleeps and studies can be considered “home.” However, public and semi-public areas within a residence hall, such as a lounge or recreation room, are subject to copyright restrictions.


“Can I tape a television program at home and show it at my organization’s meeting or event?”


Each station network has different procedures and policies. Check with the Reservations and Events Office.


*Borrowed from Public Performance Videocassette Programming with Swank Motion Pictures, Inc.

To ensure the longevity of these facilities and a safe, enjoyable event for all in attendance, the procedures listed shall govern the use of all MUC- managed facilities. Additionally, any event supported by student activity fees through SGA may be subject to this process. Failure to adhere to these procedures, those of the MUC, Austin Peay State University, and all applicable state and federal laws may subject the sponsoring organization to restriction or lost space usage privileges for the remainder of the academic year or until otherwise advised.


Events classified as “all-campus” cannot duplicate the programs planned by the Activities Programming Board. Private events are not bound by this restriction, but must adhere to all appropriate facility, University and state policies and laws. Private events are defined as those open only to sponsoring group members and the guests by invitation.

A representative of the sponsoring organization, who will take overall responsibility for the event, must meet with the activities coordinator to complete an Events Agreement. This meeting should take place at least four weeks before the event. This time limit will not apply to a grace period at the beginning of each semester that will be determined by the reservations and events manager. All performance contracts must be submitted 30 days prior to the event.


The pre-event meeting will take place 30 minutes before the scheduled starting time of the event. The MUC manager and organization representative will discuss building policies and security needs. The facility will be inspected for damages. Any damages existing before the event will be noted.


The post-event meeting will take place immediately after the event. The sponsoring organization will be charged for any damages that occurred during the event. Failure to meet with the MUC manager after the event could result in additional charges and may jeopardize future reservations.


The MUC manager may cancel the event if the organization representative does not arrive for the pre-event meeting at the designated time. Failure to provide adequate security or adhere to building policies will also result in the cancellation of the event.

If tickets are used or some method of counting attendance is required because the event is expected to draw a near-capacity crowd, the activities coordinator will discuss these issues with the group representative. If applicable, the following options will be discussed.

  1. a) Two (2) people at the main entrance to collect admission and count the number of people entering the event
  2. b) At least four (4) people to secure doors inside the facility and hallways leading to the facility.

Groups sponsoring events that are likely to attract crowds near or in excess of the established room or space capacity or those events that charge admission will be required to hire 365bet police/security officers to provide security and crowd control. See Police Staffing Matrix for details.

Any changes or cancellations to an event must be reported to the reservations and events manager prior to the event or charges may be incurred.

The MUC staff will provide equipment such as tables, chairs, etc. The staff should not be expected to carry materials brought in by the sponsoring organization. MUC staff will attempt to accommodate late and last-minute requests, but equipment availability is not guaranteed.

All entertainment must end no later than 10 p.m. Monday-Sunday unless prior arrangements have been made for event overtime. The area should be cleared within 15 minutes following the end of the event. If entertainment personnel or guests who attend the event are in the MUC at closing time, the sponsoring organization will be charged every 15 minutes that the MUC staff is required to stay until the building has been cleared. A minimum will be charged for any overtime occurrence.

If a projectionist or AV technician is needed, these needs should be included on the online Reservation Request Form. For more information see Audio/Visual under Special Arrangements.

The use of bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, scooters, hoverboards, and similar coasting devices are prohibited inside the Morgan University Center. Medical devices used due to disabilities are exempt from this policy.


The purpose of this policy is to reduce the risk of personal injury, University Center patron injury, and property damage as a result of the use of these devices within the Morgan University Center.

In case of emergency please call 911 or 365bet Campus Police at (931) 221-7786. For more information about 365bet Campus Police please visit: http://zw8k.hhtactical.net/police/


Automated External Defibrillator (AED)


The University Center has an AED station located in the main lobby area near the elevator on both the 2nd and 3rd floors. 


Exits and Pathways


Doors, aisles within rooms, main corridors, hallways, and stairwells must be kept free and clear of any materials that will block, hinder, or slow egress during an emergency. 


Fire Extinguishers and Pull Stations


Blocking or storing items in front of fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull stations, or fire alarm audiovisual devices is strictly prohibited. Immediate access and visibility is critical in the event of a fire.


Sprinkler Heads


Do not place or store material within 24 inches of sprinkler heads. When activated, a full spray pattern is needed to effectively control the fire.


Fire Doors


The use of doorstops to hold open fire doors is not permitted by fire code. These doors are used as part of a passive fire protection system to reduce the spread of fire and smoke between sections of the building. 

Telephone, data, and video connections to University networks are possible, at customer’s cost, through prior arrangements.

Equipment should be requested as part of your reservation. Some may require an additional charge.

Dry-erase boards

Easels (paper not provided)

Flip Charts


Microphone stands



Portable sounds system, amplifier and speakers*

Portable projection screen



DVD Player


*Requires the service of an AV technician (Labor rates as specified on the Space Rental Rate Schedule). Events requiring an AV technician also require a meeting with the technical services supervisor.

  • Reservation- The confirmed or tentative contract of all information pertaining to an event or meeting in a MUC-managed facility.
  • Event- A reservation request that meets the following criteria: meal function, personnel required (ex. Technical assistance, security, custodial), multiple bookings/facilities use, conference, special set up.
  • Meeting- A reservation request of a preset meeting room.
  • Reservation Status
  • Wait- A request for a room that has a tentative or confirmed status. This status will allow the requester to be in line to book the room should it become available.
  • Confirmed- All details of the booking are final. If an off-campus request, a contract will be processed.
  • Non-published- A booking that is not to show up on the events calendar. Bookings still will appear on set-up sheets and internal communication.
  • Class- A request for space to hold a class. This will not show up on the events calendar.
  • Cancelled- A booking that is canceled.
  • No-Show- A requester who failed to use the requested space. The reservation office only enters this status.
  • Student Organization- 365bet student organizations that are currently registered with the University. Student organizations must have at least one (1) student who has attended a Reservations Workshop to be eligible to reserve space. Only students who have attended the Reservations Workshops may submit requests or sign reservation contracts.
  • Departmental- Academic and administrative departments of the University.
  • Non-University- Organizations, agencies or individuals that are not part of the University.